18+ years


This is the final surgery that your child will need at the end of their cleft journey.

As your child's journey with cleft lip reaches its final stage, some parents may consider nasal surgery(rhinoplasty) as a constructive step towards enhancing facial symmetry and function. Rhinoplasty in the context of cleft lip patients aims to address residual nasal deformities, providing a more balanced and natural appearance and correct any breathing issues. It's crucial to consult with a surgeon who specializes in cleft lip and palate procedures. Parental support is paramount throughout this decision making process, shared understanding between you, your child, and the medical team. Rhinoplasty is a day surgery that is performed under general anesthesia. Your child can go home on the same day and come back for follow up on the day after surgery. Some bruising and swelling is expected after the surgery, which will resolve in a week. You may have nasal packing or stent that will be removed the day after surgery. After surgery, keep a clean and dry environment around the surgical site, and avoid any strenuous activities that could impact the healing process. Your child should elevate their head when resting to minimize swelling and pain, and refrain from touching or manipulating the treated area. Be attentive to signs of infection that include unusual discomfort, and promptly communicate any concerns to your surgeon. Pain medications that your child may need after surgery include paracetamol and ibuprofen. Your surgeon will be able to tell you when to return to normal activities including exercise or contact sports which are generally avoided for 2 months after surgery.

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